Friday, November 12, 2010


 Above is a picture of the Baby Einstein's Worm. There is also a green and orange worm in one of the videos of Baby Einstein that resembles more of a dinosaur which is the worm Aaliyah also relays information about due to her fears of all worms. What would cause a child to fear all worms? Aaliyah began to be afraid of all worms when the sexual abuse began. She became afraid of the dark, afraid of her bed, regressed in potty training, began to think the world was dangerous, needed a flashlight and nightlight to sleep with and began having extremely bad nightmares that would keep her awake at night. The child molester wants to try to convince anybody that he can that “Daddy’s Worm” is anything but his penis. So right here we will rip his “theories” excuses, lies and alibis to shreds with this thing called LOGIC AND TRUTH, something Placer County "professionals" lack.
(Think slowly about each point before you move on to the next point and keep the large over sized stuffed animal Baby Einstein worms in mind as you read.)
1) The abuser wants you all to believe the child is speaking of Baby Einstein’s worm:
The child is clearly speaking of 3 types of worms throughout the video. Baby Einstein’s worm is the first one she addresses which she states is green and orange. Anyone that has seen B. E. knows that is correct and accurate. The child then addresses “Daddy’s worm” which tastes “Yucky” and makes her cough, he has to wipe her mouth with like a napkin because of “Daddy’s worm” not B. E.’s worm. She states she sometimes gets mad at daddy and then further describes why. At the end she describes how daddy takes her to the store to see worms. She is very descriptive and very clear it is “daddy’s worm” not worm’s from the store or Baby Einsteins worm that tastes Yucky. Daddy thinks he is so smart and tried to confuse her by taking her to the store to see worms as she stated in the video. Too bad for him that his child is more intelligent than him. The child then concludes she doesn’t like ANY of the worms, but remember which one tastes Yucky. She gives the infamous worm an owner, her Daddy. She gives Baby Einstein’s worm an owner B. E., and she tells us where the other worms are that daddy made her go see…at the store. She addresses “daddy’s worm’s” size. She is holding her little baby doll in her arms and says its giant like her baby. Look at the size of her baby, it fits one of her arms. She says she tried to see him, he tries to look big. “He tries to look big” possibly like an erection? She says “she tried to see him” so apparently it was dark. She says “I tell daddy’s worm don't do that, its yucky, don't touch my mouth worm” so ask yourself what would Baby Einsteins over sized worm that she sees on TV be doing in her mouth? Makes zero sense right? And that she has to tell him “don't stop.”  Why would a child have to tel a daddy's worm "don't stop" when she clearly relayed to us that it was Yucky and she tells it don't touch my mouth worm? She further describes it makes her choke and cry and then she makes a gag noise to demonstrate. Then she describes she has to tell him “daddy get it off... he has to wipe it off with like a napkin.” This child descibed perfectly the act of oral sex in complete sequencial order entirely on her own in a 27 minute clip. No 2 1/2 year old child can be coached to act out, describe fellatio, gag, be afraid of the dark and her bed, and show signs of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in 27 minutes without some type of sexual abuse trauma having occurred to her. She described her perpetrator, it's “Daddy’s worm” that does it to her. She later states “daddy wants to have a baby.” Now why on this earth would a two year old describe these events perfectly then say her daddy wants to have a baby?

2) The Child Molester wants you to believe his Worm is an earth worm:
The child is very descriptive and clear. She described it’s size and it is not the size of an earth worm. Why would Daddy be sticking earth worms in her mouth anyway? That is abuse in itself. If you paid attention in the first of his theories it clearly debunks this theory of the child molesters too.

 3) The Child molester wants you to believe that she is speaking of gummy worms:
Listen to the child!! She tells you Baby Einstein’s worm is green and orange, not “Daddy’s worm.” Remember she tells you about “daddy’s worm” that she “tried to see him.” It’s kind of hard to see a worm that is getting shoved down your throat in the dark that makes you choke, gag and cry. “It tries to look big” so we know it changes sizes. Plus, kids love gummy worms. “Daddy’s worm” is “yucky,” she has to tell it “dont stop” and then she states “daddy wants a baby”!! That is no gummy worm! Why would a child think her daddy wants a baby with her? Think about it. Why would she have to tell a worm that she doesn’t like, “Don't stop”?

4) The Wormy Daddy wants you to believe the mother coached her:
Coaching is leading. It is the same as leading a witness with the answer in the question just like the rules in a courtroom. First of all nobody is even talking about the subject of “Daddy’s worm” in the video but ONLY the child entirely on her own. The only question asked is “What does the worm look like? There was nothing suggesting or leading in it. For those of you who do not understand what coaching is, a coaching example would be: Does the worm look like a banana? That would be suggesting an answer in the question. None of which ever happens throughout the entire 27 minutes of the “Daddy’s Worm” Video. The Mother and Aunt aren’t even talking. The child is insisting on telling them why she doesn’t want to go to bed. Any good Psychologist knows that children relate everything to their own knowledge and the world as they know it. They relate their own problems to their dolls having the same problems. The child in the video tells us that “Daddy’s worm makes her sick and cry and it makes her teddy bear sick and cry too.” She tells us that both her and her doll “don’t wants to go to bed right now.” At 2 1/2 she wouldn’t know the word penis, right?  Instead describes it the best way she knows how “Daddy’s worm.” Don’t forget also there were previous reports made to CPS by others than the mother of the child describing “daddy’s worm” as having hair like the hair on her head, it having one eye, and hurting her tongue. There are previous reports and restraining orders filed because “daddy hurts her pee pee” before she ever talked about daddy’s worm in her mouth. Child molesters only progress in the sick things they experiment on children. You can see the progression throughout this child’s statements and behaviors. You can only imagine what he is doing to her since he has her alone for two years. It is very clear to any attentive parent that it is impossible to coach a 2 1/2 year old child to talk for 27 minutes straight relating everything she says to her dolls and in sequential order of sexual abuse. Not one time throughout the entire video does she ask what mommy what did you say? The innotation (rise and fall of ones pitch) is clear this child is speaking of her own volition. Her innotation does not rise like she is questioning each statement like a coached child would sound like. This child is clearly un-coached unlike the child molester wants you to believe as one of his alibis. Also it is pitch dark in the room. You can tell that they have to turn on a glowing bear in order to see. Also the infrared is on in order to view the video. There is a tremendous amount of detail in the video alone to prove this child was indeed not coached or prompted in any way to say what she is describing about her “Daddy’s Worm” as the child molester falsely claims as his alibi.
 People wonder why the mother doesn't talk in the video. Well at every turn the molester cross fires accusations one being that she is making her say those things. She was told by the police not to talk or coach and to get it on tape. Prior to these disclosures were many from Aaliyah describing that daddy is hurting her pee pee and butt. She had made plenty of disclosures about daddy's worm having one eye, it having hair like the hair on her head and would ask her mother or aunt if they had a worm when she had seen them undressed. She obviously knows this worm's location...on a human body.
We ask if you do know him to remember his fairy tale stories he tells because they do change. Every little piece he describes will help play a part in this "puzzle" as Sergeant  Pecoraro called it when he lied to the Auburn Journal about "immediately" investigating this case.
Everybody please help stop this Child Molester and get this baby out of her abusers home. 
(This information was re-posted with the permission of

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